Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen Photographer

Family Portrait Photographer | Location Scouting | Pre-Session Prep | IL

Behind the scenes location scouting by your family photographer. When you request a location…we do a project!

Family Portrait Photographer | Location Scouting | Pre-Session Prep | IL

Something you may not know about time factored into sessions is that a visit is made to your location prior to your session to seek out the best spots and check on lighting. The funny part is, you never know what lighting is going to be like on the actual day. Nevertheless, this is part of the process of booking a session and location.

The scouting:

Family portrait photographer-Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-TeenFamily portrait photographer-Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen PhotographerLocation Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen PhotographerLocation Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen PhotographerLocation Scouting | Personal Photography Projects | Pre-Session Prep | ILFamily portrait photographer-Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen PhotographerFamily portrait photographer-Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-TeenLocation Scouting | Personal Photography Projects | Pre-Session Prep | IL


Here’s another thing, there is absolutely no control over public property. It’s best to request locations and parts of locations that don’t change often. A field of wild flowers can disappear quickly. Aim for areas that aren’t mowed and that don’t look like they may be under construction or aren’t too close to where road construction may take place. All of those things have happened prior to a session. Plan B? That’s part of why I scout ahead of time, to find a backup area near the planned location. Always have a Plan B. Actually, have all the plans because I’ve pulled up to controlled burns of an entire part of a forest preserve during a scout.


Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-Teen PhotographerFamily portrait photographer-Location Scouting | Personal Photography Projects | Pre-Session Prep | ILFamily portrait photographer-Location Scouting-IL-Illinois-Sunset-Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve-TeenFamily portrait photographer-


I love taking someone with to work on personal projects. You can’t really walk and look right? You have to shoot something! Well that’s what I’m going with, and it always results in something we love. We spend up to an hour each time we scout. This young lady is doing an amazing job learning and tolerating my shenanigans on these pre-session scouts. Creativity is a funny thing. A creative vision isn’t shared telepathically. Not for us anyway. Patience is a necessity and she’s doing great.


Location Scouting | Personal Photography Projects | Pre-Session Prep | IL


My youngest scouts with me as well, but 3-year-olds don’t care if you have methods or tactics to these scouting adventures. They have their own plans the moment their tiny shoes hit the dirt. So even though he’s probably the most natural/comfortable of my 3 in front of the camera, he’s busy.  My middle hasn’t been a fan of the camera for a long time, possibly making him my most lightly photographed child. We work around it and keep it short while still documenting the important things. The happy word for him is fast and scouting is not fast.

Booking information:

Do you want to know more about sessions and pricing? Check out the details HERE. You can book a session through the scheduler under each session. 

Call 815-621-7077

E-mail casi@casiannphotography.com

OR Fill out the inquiry on the contact page HERE for more information.




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